We have recently had some theft and vandalism in the Homestead Neighborhood. In one case a car parked outside was keyed and on a separate night someone stole items out of cars that were left unlocked. Although uncommon, crime does happen in Homestead. Discourage theft by locking your cars and …
In the May newsletter:
Registered voters in Edwards will be receiving a ballot in the mail soon to vote on Edwards Metropolitan District’s Ballot Issue A regarding road, traffic and trails improvements in Edwards. These improvements include vehicular, bicycle, pedestrian and safety improvements. Additional information can be found at www.Edwards-Colorado.org. When there, look …
Register now for Summer Swim Team! This summer we are offering a 10 week Swim Team and Swim Team Prep program that is offered one – four days per week. You choose the days that work for your schedule!
Swim Team Prep:
Swim Team Prep is designed to help young …
Join us on Friday, April 15th, from 5:00-6:30pm for a fun parent/child tennis mixer. In this mixer you will pair up with your child for some friendly doubles play! You will be matched with another parent/child duo of similar ability level. Levels: Junior Aces level players and above. Maximum Teams: …
We hope you will join us on this Saturday, March 26th, from 10am-12pm, for a fun filled Easter party including an Easter egg hunt for ages 1-9, arts & crafts, coffee, pastries and, of course, a visit from the Easter Bunny! We hope to see you there. Don’t forget to …
In the April Newsletter:
Life’s An Adventure Summer Camp is a new program that focuses on character development for older kids. Participants will be asked to commit to this program, and build upon lessons throughout the summer. Kids will train for a 5k, learn a character trait each week with a community service activity, …
Sign up now to reserve your space in our Spring Swim and Tennis Programs! Contact Coach Cass Jones at [email protected] for any questions regarding swim programs. Contact Tom or Laura Ewert at [email protected] for any questions regarding tennis programs.
Spring 2016 Swim Team Registration
Spring 2016 Junior Tennis Registration
Spring …