Santa Claus, along with our other heroes, (the fire department & ambulance district) will be making their way through the streets of Homestead on Friday night to greet residents with festive lights, music and treat bags for the children.
Santa will drive throughout the neighborhood waiving to families along the way with brief stops to pass out treat bags at the following locations:
The sleigh (aka fire truck) will leave Homestead Court Club at 5 and stop at the following intersections:
Allen Circle & Homestead Drive around 5:10
Creamery & Homestead Drive around 5:15
Park De Clark around 5:20
Hummingbird & Gold Dust Drive around 5:25
End of Gold Dust Drive Cul-de-Sac (at the top) around 5:30
Edwards Elementary parking lot around 5:45
Lower Homestead park around 5:50
Santa’s elves will be passing out treat bags to children along the route. Santa will be waiving to the children from his sleigh.
We would like to thank our wonderful local emergency services departments for volunteering their time and vehicles to bring some holiday cheer to our neighborhood! They will be in service during the event so there is a chance Santa will have to jet, but we are all hoping to get a glimpse of his magic!