Summer Swim Team Practice Times:
Our summer session is going to start on the first of June and continue until the 12th of August. We will have practice Monday-Friday from 7:15am until 8:30am. Each practice is going to start with 15 minutes of dryland (jumping jacks, crunches, running, etc) so plan to wear tennis shoes/sneakers. Prep team will run from 7:15-8:00am and Rec team will run the entire time. Swimmers should bring a water bottle and small snack to practice.
Summer Prices
Full Summer:
Prep- $340/members $770/non-members Rec- $415/members $845/non-members
If paying by month it is:
June: Prep- $150/members $330/non-members Rec- $185/members $365/non-members
July: Prep- $130/members $280/non-members Rec- $155/members $305/non-members
August: Prep- $90/members $190/non-members Rec- $105/members $205/non-members
It is 8.5 weeks or 43 days of practice.
Our tentative Meet Schedule:
June 24th at the Avon Rec Center
July 8th at Eagle Vail
July 29th at Mountain Rec in Eagle
Times we will have off: We will have off June 27th until July 8th.
View full summer program info and swim registration form here