A letter from ECOS Director, Marcia Gilles
Eagle County Open Space (ECOS) has been working closely with Homestead HOA, and Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) to implement the area wildlife closure critical for wildlife habitat in the Homestead L Open Space. I have decided not to implement the mandatory closure for …
We have recently had multiple reports of bear sightings throughout the neighborhood. It is once again time for us to shift back into “bear aware” mode now that the animals are getting ready for their winter hibernation. They’re bulking up on calories and are in search of food. We would …
In the October Newsletter:
Eagle County Open Space, CPW and EVLT recently attended the September Homestead HOA monthly meeting, to discuss any miscommunication or misrepresentation specific to a winter wildlife area closure that may go in to effect. This news generated questions and concerns that I would like to address.
Eagle County is in …
Homestead was provided a referral request for the Mountain Hive Consolidated Planned Unit Development (PUD) application (Eagle County File Number PDS-9067). As described in the attached Referral Form and Consolidated PUD (attached as Google Drive link) materials, this application is for a 221 Bedroom Co-Living Housing Development consisting of 62,632 Square …
Fall Session 2 junior clinics and adult leagues will begin on October 17. Registration opens on:
September 12 for Homestead Owners and Tenants
September 19 for Non-resident members
September 26 for non-members
Fall Junior Clinic Registration
Please reach out to Racquet Sports Director, Eric Meyer at …
We are so excited to announce that our End of Summer Party and BBQ is back!! Please save the date for Saturday, September 10, from 4:00-7:00pm for Homesteads Annual End of Summer Party & BBQ. Help us celebrate the last days of summer with a live music performance, family games, …
The Colorado Department of Wildlife has determined that there is a critical need for seasonal closures on the Eagle County owned Homestead “L” Open Space. They are proposing seasonal closures over the winter months. The proposed closure areas are located on the Eagle County “L” Open Space Trails.
Representatives from …
In the September Newsletter: