Edwards Interchange Open House August 27

Public Open House 
I-70 Edwards Interchange Upgrade – Phase 2
Thursday, August 27th, 5:00-7:00pm
Miller Ranch Community Center
25 Mill Loft Street, Edwards
Eagle County, in cooperation with the Colorado Department of Transportation, is holding a Public Open House about the planning process and status of Phase 2 of improvements to the I-70G Edwards Interchange. Information will be available on:
  • Project background
  • Purpose of project
  • Proposed project goals and objectives
  • Environmental clearance process
  • Project schedule and additional opportunities for public involvement
The design is underway for the Hwy 6 and I-70 access road intersection, as well as the access road from the intersection to the existing round-a-bouts. CDOT, Eagle County, and local metro districts are looking for your comments on this project as it goes through the design process. There will be an open house on August 27th, from 5:00-7:00pm at the Miller Ranch Community Center. Your input is critical to the success of this project so please attend if possible. The meeting is an open house format with exhibits. There will be no formal presentation.
For more information, please contact:
CDOT Project Manager                    Eagle County Project Manager
Karen Berdoulay, Project Manager      Eva Wilson, County Engineer
970-328-9934                                         970-328-3560