Spring Junior Tennis Programs will begin the week of March 21, and will run for nine weeks, with no programs the week of April 18-22.
Spring Tennis Leagues will begin the week of March 21, and run for 10 weeks.
Registration Opens: 3/1 for Homestead Owners/Tenants
3/8 for Non-Resident …
In the March Newsletter:
Clubhouse Summer Camp is proud to present another exciting summer for our campers at Homestead including eleven action-packed new theme weeks including: Starlight Starbright, Into the Wild, Kid Invasion, Bling Bling, Hamilton, Fantastic Beasts, Everything is Awesome and more. Our kids camp program is guaranteed to be a fun filled …
West End Development Proposal
At the July 8, 2022 Board meeting, Jim Telling and Kevin Murphy from East West Partners, gave a presentation on their proposed development of a 275 unit rental property, located behind the Gashouse restaurant on Highway 6. Links to the presentation and traffic study are below:…
In the February newsletter:
The Annual Homeowners’ Association meeting will be held on Monday, February 21, at 7:00pm. Links to the general meeting report, agenda and proxy can be found below. The board is happy to announce that we have three candidates for the three upcoming board seat openings. See the general meeting report …
We would like to inform our residents that Colorado Parks and Wildlife will be conducting their annual mule deer and elk classification survey flights soon. These flights are subject to change, but will likely start in the coming week (1/9/22), and last for several days. This involves low flying helicopter …
In the January Newsletter:
December 22, 2021- The Eagle County Board of Health (BOH) convened for an emergency session on Wed., Dec. 22, and reinstated a countywide mask mandate indoors regardless of vaccination status. A public health order to that effect becomes active at noon on Dec. 22 and applies to all public indoor |