West End Development Proposal
At the July 8, 2022 Board meeting, Jim Telling and Kevin Murphy from East West Partners, gave a presentation on their proposed development of a 275 unit rental property, located behind the Gashouse restaurant on Highway 6. Links to the presentation and traffic study are below:
West End Development Presentation
West End Development Traffic Study
Highway 6 Carwash Proposal
Minor Type A Subdivision Application Summary of Request: The applicant is requesting a Minor Type A Subdivision to legalize an
approximately 1.16 acre parcel. Application materials note that at the completion of the subdivision
process, the applicants intend to develop the property with a retail tire store, automated car wash, mini
self storage and EV charging stations. All of these uses are permitted by right in the
Commercial-General (CG) District.
Referral Form
Comments will be accepted through February 27, 2022
Riverwalk PUD Amendment
Riverwalk PUD Amendment Summary of Request: Request for an amendment to the Planned Unit Development Guide for
Riverwalk and a Finding of No Significant Impact from 1041 Regulations to include the following:
1. General clean up, formatting, and organization;
2. Allowance of trash and recycling facilities and compactors on open space tract in a specific
3. Simplification to the calculation of gross floor area based on assessor information;
4. Increase in allowable Net Floor Area;
5. Clarification of building names and original PUD identifiers;
6. Allowance of additional building height for Building N: Theater Building
7. Provision that any additional development for the Theater Building is subject to current Eagle
County Housing Guidelines;
8. Updated PUD reference map based on developed conditions; and
9. Adding in Eagle River Water and Sanitation standard water conservation language as an
appendix to the PUD Guide.
Referral Form
Comments will be accepted through February 15, 2022